Olga Rieger. Preservatiaon in the age of large-scale digitization.
Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information REsources, 2008.
Margaret Hedstrom “Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term Preservation” http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~dlwkshop/paper_hedstrom.pdfBrian F. Lavoie, The Open Archival Information System Reference Model: Introductory Guide. http://www.dpconline.org/docs/lavoie_OAIS.pdf Jones, Maggie, and Neil Beagrie. Preservation Management of Digital Materials: A Handbook. 2001. http://www.dpconline.org/graphics/handbook/index.html introduction and digital preservation sections.Justin Littman. Actualized Preservation Threats: Practical Lessons from Chronicling America. D-Lib Magazine July/August 2007. http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july07/littman/07littman.html
1, preservation in the age of large-scale digitization
A white paper
The paper describes four large-scale projects, Google Book Search, Microsoft Live Search Books, Open Content Alliance, and the Million Book Project, and their digitization strategies. Then it discusses a range of issues affecting the stewardship of the digital collections they create: selection, quality in content creation, technical infrastructure, and organizational infrastructure. The paper also attempts to foresee the likely impacts of large-scale digitization on book collections.
It is comprehensive that includes nearly all the content of the class.
2, Research challenges in digital archiving and long-term preservation
(1)Digital collections are vast, heterogeneous and growing at a rate that outpaces the ability to manage and preserve them.
(2) Digital archiving requirement reflect concern for the long term.
(3) The challenges of maintaining digital archives over long periods of time are as much economic, social and institutional as technological.
(4)Affordable and reliable digital preservation requires new tools and technologies.
(5)Affordable and reliable digital preservation requires infrastructure.
3. The open archival information system reference model
4,The handbook provides an internationally authoritative and practical guide to the subject of managing digital resources over time and the issues in sustaining access to them. It will be of interest to all those involved in the creation and management of digital materials.
I want to talk about the digital preservation section.
This section contains large amount of information on digital preservation.
Explains why build digital preservation, how are digital materials different, how much cost.etc., and introduces preservation issues such as technological issues, organisational issues and legal issues.
Digital preservation is an action that covers social, economic and technological issues.
5, Actualized preservation threats.