Friday, October 9, 2009

LIS 2670 week 6 XML and Markup Languages reading notes

1,An Introduction to the Extensible Markup Language (XML)

This paper basically present the components of XML, the relationship between SGML and HTML.
XML is really important in digital world and we have to learn and use XML.
I am ready to learn it.

2, XML Schema Tutorial

This is interesting. The tutorial is simple but it convey lots of information about XML. And many examples are given to prove the utilization of XML.

3,A survey of XML standards. Part.1

The core standards -- a foundation for the wide world of XML

In this series of articles, Uche Ogbuji provides a guide to XML standards,

The most important is DTD. Within these standards, XML is easier to understand and more standardized.

I need more time to figure out XML and handle it.

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