Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 3 Representation of Digital Objects Required Reading Notes

  1. LESK sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, lesk-cha2.1-2.2-2.7.pdf chapter 3.lesk-ch3.pdf
  2. ARMS. Chapters 9.
  3. Clifford Lynch, “Identifiers and Their Role In Networked Information Applications”.
  4. Norman Paskin. “Digital Object Indentifier (DOI) System”. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences.
I have to apologize that I write short reading notes this time. I did write a long note. But all my notes are lost when I click"publish post" and the system said my HTML style is wrong, then nothing left. It is unfortunate for me. I do not know the reason. Dose anyone else have the same experience with me? I had this problem once, but that time the blog system saved my drafts. But this time nothing is saved. I lost all notes that I just wrote.

My question are as follows:
What are the commons and differences between identifiers and handles? Do they refer to the same thing?
Do we have to apply for handles when we build digital libraries in our term project?

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