Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Comments part3











LIS 2670 week 11 social issues muddiest point

No muddy point this week.

Comments part 2






Thursday, November 19, 2009

LIS 2670 week 11 social issues

  1. Social Aspects of Digital Libraries. The final report of UCLA-NSF Social Aspects of Digital Libraries Workshop.
  2. The Infinite Library, Wade Roush, Technology Review, 2005.
  3. William Y. Arms, “A Viewpoint Analysis of the Digital Library”, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 11 Number 7/8, July/August 2005.

Social Aspects of Digital Libraries. The final report of UCLA-NSF Social Aspects of Digital Libraries Workshop

I can not open the links in the page.

The Infinite Library, Wade Roush, Technology Review, 2005.

"No one thinks the library is disappearing as a physical space. The real question is, what is the 'value proposition' they offer in a digital future?"-- Abby Smith
I do think this is sentence is very classic. What is the value of library in the digital environment? This is important for librarian to think about now. We have to find the social identity, promote to the public and let them know our values to their life.

3, A viewpoint analysis of the digital library

This paper gives an overview of digital library.

A Viewpoint Analysis of the Digital Library

LIS 2670 week 10 interaction and evaluation muddiest point

I do not have muddiest point this week.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Comments part 1






Saturday, November 14, 2009

LIS 2670 week 10 interaction and evaluation reading notes

  1. Arms chapter 8. This is useful if you want to learn really basic of interaction.
  2. Rob Kling and Margaret Elliott "Digital Library Design for Usability"
  3. Tefko Saracevic, “Evaluation of digital libraries: An overview
  4. Ben Sheiderman, Catherine Plaisant, "Designing the user interfaces" 4ed. chapter 1. A good introduction about usability and its application in human computer interaction hci4ed-ch1.pdf
1, can not find the source.

In this paper, the author have examined five models of computer-system design which are known in the information systems and computer science research and professional communities.
It is time for DL research community to consider its own design models and realized the importance of "design for organizational usability" to develop a strong system.

3, evaluation of digital library: an overview
This paper provides an overview of works on digital library evaluation. It is comprehensive.

4,usability of interactive system
This a chapter of a book, it gives a broadview of human-computer interaction. And introduces usability requirements, measures and motivations.

LIS 2670 week 9 digital preservation muddiest point

I do not have muddiest point this week.

LIS 2670 week 9 digital preservation reading notes

  • Olga Rieger. Preservatiaon in the age of large-scale digitization.
    Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information REsources, 2008.
  • Margaret Hedstrom “Research Challenges in Digital Archiving and Long-term Preservation”
  • Brian F. Lavoie, The Open Archival Information System Reference Model: Introductory Guide.
  • Jones, Maggie, and Neil Beagrie. Preservation Management of Digital Materials: A Handbook. 2001. introduction and digital preservation sections.
  • Justin Littman. Actualized Preservation Threats: Practical Lessons from Chronicling America. D-Lib Magazine July/August 2007.

  • 1, preservation in the age of large-scale digitization
    A white paper
    The paper describes four large-scale projects, Google Book Search, Microsoft Live Search Books, Open Content Alliance, and the Million Book Project, and their digitization strategies. Then it discusses a range of issues affecting the stewardship of the digital collections they create: selection, quality in content creation, technical infrastructure, and organizational infrastructure. The paper also attempts to foresee the likely impacts of large-scale digitization on book collections.
    It is comprehensive that includes nearly all the content of the class.

    2, Research challenges in digital archiving and long-term preservation
    (1)Digital collections are vast, heterogeneous and growing at a rate that outpaces the ability to manage and preserve them.
    (2) Digital archiving requirement reflect concern for the long term.
    (3) The challenges of maintaining digital archives over long periods of time are as much economic, social and institutional as technological.
    (4)Affordable and reliable digital preservation requires new tools and technologies.
    (5)Affordable and reliable digital preservation requires infrastructure.

    3. The open archival information system reference model

    4,The handbook provides an internationally authoritative and practical guide to the subject of managing digital resources over time and the issues in sustaining access to them. It will be of interest to all those involved in the creation and management of digital materials.
    I want to talk about the digital preservation section.
    This section contains large amount of information on digital preservation.
    Explains why build digital preservation, how are digital materials different, how much cost.etc., and introduces preservation issues such as technological issues, organisational issues and legal issues.
    Digital preservation is an action that covers social, economic and technological issues.

    5, Actualized preservation threats.

    LIS 2670 week8 Access in digital libraries part 2 muddist point

    I found that the precision and recall rate of the multimedia information is not high when I research. I think the metadata of multimedia is hard to describe. How to improve the multimedia information retrieval' relevance? I am curious.

    Friday, October 23, 2009

    LIS 2670 week8 Access in digital libraries part 2 reading notes

  • Chapter 1. Definition and Origins of OAI-PMH.oai-pmh-ch1.pdf
  • Todd Miller, Federated Searching: Put It in Its Place . April 15, 2004.
  • The Truth About Federated Searching. October 2003.
  • Lynch, Clifford A. (1997). The Z39.50 Information Retrieval Standard, Part 1: A Strategic View of its Past, Present, and Future. D-Lib Magazine, April 1997.
  • Norbert Lossau, “Search Engine Technology and Digital Libraries: Libraries Need to Discover the Academic Internet” D-Lib Magazine, June 2004, Volume 10 Number 6.

  • 1, OAI-PMH
    The open archives initiative protocol for metadata harvesting is designed for reach interoperability between digital libraries and facilitate efficient dissemination of information.
    This paper introduces the basic definition and purpose of OAI-PMH. I think the most important thing is to understand the meaning of OAI-PMH in digital libraries.

    Todd Miller proposes a new relationship between federated search engines and the library catalog
    It is true that catalogs are rigid in digital age, since information are not limited to physical pattern that can find in one place. And most of content that required by users are not cataloged by libraries. When I use ebay, I find that the information retrieval system is very useful and ebay can provide high relevant results to me, describe content that I need for the commodities.

    3, the truth about federated searching
    This article talks several demerits and problems about federates search engines. I agree with the author's opinions, however, it is common that new things have existed some demerits and I believe scientists will work out these problems in the near future.

    4, the Z39.50 information retrieval standard
    the paper's focus is on how and why Z39.50 developed the way it did, and the conceptual debates that have influenced its evolution and use.

    5, search engine technology and digital libraries
    academically relevant content is very interesting to me.

    LIS 2670 week7 Access in digital libraries part 1 muddist point

    1, what does the sentence "ignore documents that try to 'spam' the text " mean in ppt 54?
    2. Could you explain the image in ppt55 again? I do not understand it.

    Saturday, October 17, 2009

    LIS 2670 week7 Access in digital libraries part 1 reading notes

  • LESK chapter 4.
  • David Hawking , Web Search Engines: Part 1 and Part 2 IEEE Computer, June 2006.;
  • M. Henzinger et al. challenges in Web Search Engines. ACM SIGIR 2002.

    I do not find the readings of the first and the second one. I will put my reading notes when I find the articles. I have searched the second article in IEEE database, but I do not find this paper.

    Challenges in web search engines:
    In this paper, the author points out several challenges that faced by current web search engines. I do think spam is anywhere in today's search engines. And the precision rate is not very high. When we do some searches in search engine, only top -ranked results can meet my needs. The other results are more like trash. Now, we are in a sea of information and advertisement. Relevance is very important in current search engines.

    LIS 2670 week 6 XML and Markup Languages muddist point

    1, what dose the sentence " 80% of SGML' s power at 20% of its complexity." mean?

    2, What is the difference between the URI in an XML namespace and the URL?

    3, Which is more popular, DTD or XML schema? Speaking of digital objects, which of two do we use?

    4, Why the defaults of minOccures and maxOccurres are both 1 in PPt45? I thought the default of minOccures is 0.

    Friday, October 9, 2009

    LIS 2670 week 6 XML and Markup Languages reading notes

    1,An Introduction to the Extensible Markup Language (XML)

    This paper basically present the components of XML, the relationship between SGML and HTML.
    XML is really important in digital world and we have to learn and use XML.
    I am ready to learn it.

    2, XML Schema Tutorial

    This is interesting. The tutorial is simple but it convey lots of information about XML. And many examples are given to prove the utilization of XML.

    3,A survey of XML standards. Part.1

    The core standards -- a foundation for the wide world of XML

    In this series of articles, Uche Ogbuji provides a guide to XML standards,

    The most important is DTD. Within these standards, XML is easier to understand and more standardized.

    I need more time to figure out XML and handle it.

    Thursday, October 8, 2009

    LIS 2670 week5 metadata in digital libraries muddist point

    Identifiers in Dubline Core refers to DOI or URL?
    In the example: "
    Identifier ="
    I thought this refers to url? why?

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    LIS 2670 week4 DL system Demo muddist point

    I have nothing to comment on this week.

    LIS 2670 Assignment 2 Part 1 Flickr link

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    week5 LIS 2670 Metadata in Digital Libraries reading notes

    1,WITTEN. Witten 2.2 witten2.2.pdf Witten sections 5.4-5.7 witten5.4-5.7.pdf
    2.2 bibliographic organization
    This part discusses the basic content of bibliography, such as the objectives and entities. Nothing to comment on.

    MARC and Dubline Core
    The content is helpful and interesting.
    One question: In Dubline Core, two different people may create quite different descriptions of the same resource. How to reach uniformity in Dubline Core? In MARC age, many small libraries who lack catalogers often download the original MARC data which is created in large libraries by catalogers. Could we share Dubline Core data like MARC?
    What is the main difference between Dubline Core, TeX and Refer? Can they reach the requirements of interoperability in digital libraries?

  • Anne J. Gilliland. Introduction to Metadata, pathways to Digital Information: 1: Setting the Stage

  • I have read this essay before in LIS 2600. It is very useful. I am confused when I read this essay at the first time, but now I could understand the most parts since we have learned metadata.

    Stuart L. Weibel, “Border Crossings: Reflections on a Decade of Metadata Consensus Building”, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 11 Number 7/8, July/August 2005

    This essay is a personal reflection on the development of Dubline Core.
    In my opinion, it will take a long time for a unified metadata to replace MARC. Maybe Dubline Core is just a transfer metadata.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    week3 LIS2670 muddist point

    1, "Original design using 7 bit code for each character". How dose this "7 bit" come? I count the number, it is 8 bit. I am confused.

    2,what is the difference between identifiers and handles which we talked about last week? Do they refer to the same thing"

    Saturday, September 19, 2009


    Friday, September 18, 2009

    week3 Background Reading Notes

    Handle System Overview

    This document provides an overview of the Handle System. The Handle System manages handles, which are unique names for digital objects and other Internet resources. Here is my question: why can not we replace DNS with handles?

    Week 3 Representation of Digital Objects Required Reading Notes

    1. LESK sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.7, lesk-cha2.1-2.2-2.7.pdf chapter 3.lesk-ch3.pdf
    2. ARMS. Chapters 9.
    3. Clifford Lynch, “Identifiers and Their Role In Networked Information Applications”.
    4. Norman Paskin. “Digital Object Indentifier (DOI) System”. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences.
    I have to apologize that I write short reading notes this time. I did write a long note. But all my notes are lost when I click"publish post" and the system said my HTML style is wrong, then nothing left. It is unfortunate for me. I do not know the reason. Dose anyone else have the same experience with me? I had this problem once, but that time the blog system saved my drafts. But this time nothing is saved. I lost all notes that I just wrote.

    My question are as follows:
    What are the commons and differences between identifiers and handles? Do they refer to the same thing?
    Do we have to apply for handles when we build digital libraries in our term project?

    muddist point in week 2

    1, what is the difference between data and medadata?

    2, As a librarian, do we have to design the DL system? I just tried Dspace's Jumpbox, the interface is friendly and easy to use. What do librarians do in DL system?

    3,I do not know the answers about the question on PPT. " why are semantic names so disruptive to the handle system? Are there any rules to name a handle?

    4, In the class, we talked about P2P. What roles dose P2P play in digital library architecture? What advantages dose P2P bring to digital libraries? I am a little confused. P2P is a technology that does not need server, when we build a digital library repository, server is important for clients to retrieval and obtain information.

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    Background Readings notes: Week2

    1,What is the Internet (And What Makes It Work)
    The essay mainly talks about the history of the Internet. Nothing to comment on.

    Digital Library Architecture
    It is like a summary of digital library architectures. Digital libraries has to follow architecture guidelines and standards to ensure interoperability between systems. What about scalability and extensibility, do we also need standards?


    A website
    profiles ten individuals whose work has contributed significantly to the development of the Internet. The interesting thing is that it is a master's project.

    I need to search and read this website carefully. I would like to use Greenstone to build up my digital library project.

    Requied Reading notes: Week2

    1,A Framework for Building Open Digital Libraries
    This essay mainly talked about the OAI Protocal for metadata harvesting and took the NDLTD program for instance. It is not difficult for me to understand the content after classes. OAI protocol is really important of the building of digital libraries like TCP/IP to the Internet. I do not know much about the content of OAI. But standards and policies are vital to all fields, especially information technology. One of purposes of IT is to access and communicate.

    2,An Architecture for Information in Digital Libraries
    It talks about the architecture of digital libraries in details, which is very useful to me. The author explains many concepts like handle, medadata, meta-object. I finally figure out the differences between handle and URL. Handles identify Internet resources by name and URL identifies resources by location. I feel that each component of digital library is perfect there; missing any component will result in the failure of digital libraries.
    The author said that " use a lower level design will allow a greater selection of languages and interface tool." why will it happen? why they are languages and interface tool? Could it be something else? I do not understand the cause and effect here.

    3,interoperability for Digital Objects and Repositories
    Frankly speaking, I do not understand the content totally. Up to now, I have read lots of architectures about digital libraries, I think I am confused and cannot tell the differences. The mos impressive architecture table is drew by William Y. Arms, who is the most famous scholar in the field of digital libraries. Every digital library have its architecture, do we have paradigms to follow?

    4,An Overview of World Wide Web
    Basic knowledge about world wide web. very useful.

    Friday, September 11, 2009

    a delay of Week2 reading notes

    It is hard for me understand the content now and I explained to TA . He agreed, I will post notes after classes.

    Wednesday, September 9, 2009

    DL week1 background reading notes

  • William Y. Arms. “Automated Digital Libraries, How Effectively Can Computers Be Used for the Skilled Tasks of Professional Librarianship?” D-Lib Magazine July/August 2000. 6(7/8).
  • " Automated Digital Libraries" is an interesting topic. Because computer programs can substitute for intellectually demanding task such as selection, cataloging, indexing, seeking information and reference services, which are traditionally carried out by librarians. If ADL works out, large number of librarians will be laid off. On one hand, I truly feel how strong the computer power is, since it can change one's career; on the other hand, I sincerely hope that this day will come slowly because I want to find a job a year later.

  • C. Schwartz. (2000). Digital libraries: an overview. Journal of Academic Librarianship 26(6): 385-393. [Available online at Pitt E-Journal
  • This essay presents an overview of the basic components of a digital library. It is comprehensive and meticulous. Nothing to comment on, but I think this essay is worth to read twice for me.

  • D.M. Levy. (2000). Digital libraries and the problem of purpose. D-Lib Magazine 6(1), January 2000.
  • The essay talks about the problems of Digital Libraries that we discussed in class. I agree with the author's ideas about Digital Libraries. If we put all materials on the web, we will diminish the diversity of materials. I like to read physical collections, since I am accustomed to read knowledge on paper. The best way is provide tools to organize digital and non-digital collections together and research them. Besides, information does not mean good and more information do not mean better. We are now exposed to huge number of junk information and advertisements. Some of it is hazardous to people like criminal and addicted drugs. I totally agree with the author's opinion that " the current digital library agenda has largely been set by the computer science community and clearly bears the imprint of this community's interests and vision". I feel that many computer scientists exclude librarian's views when they are building DL. In this condition, DL is cold and distant to me, because what I saw from the interfaces is a combination of glut of programming languages. We need a feel of warm and comfort when we log in Digital Library.

    DL week 1 required reading notes

  • Leonardo Candela et. al. (2007) Setting the Foundations of Digital Libraries. D-Lib Magazine 13(3-4), March/April 2007.
  • I feel that this is a introductory essay of digital libraries. Firstly, the author talks about the evolutionary definitions of Digital Libraries. Then, he differentiate system notions, that is digital library, digital library system and digital library management system. This is part is helpful for me, because I used to think they indicate the same meanings. Thirdly, six main concepts and four main roles of actors are mentioned in digital libraries universe. It took me some time to understand the four different roles in DL. I am a little surprised that librarians are DL end-users, I thought they were designers before. so What we do is DL is just to use it ? This is disappointing.

    Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina, Rebecca Wesley, “Dewey Meets Turing: Librarians, Computer Scientists, and the Digital Libraries Initiative” D-Lib Magazine, Volume 11 Number 7/8, July/August 2005.
  • well, this essay mainly talks about Digital Libraries Initiative launched by National Science Foundation. After reading it, I feel that the author speaks about DL from the perspective of computer scientists. In the essay, most of the content mentions how good the computer scientists are, how computer scientists help librarians out of predicament. Computer scientists has done most of DL work, while the only thing that librarians do is to "make them choose content descriptions from a controlled vocabulary of terms". This is my emotional feelings after read it, maybe the author treated both careers fairly. I feel very sad, since I thought librarians are the main power in the construction of DL. However, from the words of the author, he consider librarians just help computer scientists built DL. Besides, in the last graph, he said,"as models for new libraries, like the ACM Digital Library for computer science emerge.....", Do Library Science Education have to emerge with computer science? These are my own feelings, perhaps I do not totally understand the essay, maybe I am extremely sensitive.

  • Christian Lupovici. (2008) The growth of the role of librarians and information officers in digital libraries. Digital Libraries, Fabrice Papy (eds). ISTE and John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    Questions: What is the different responsibility between librarians and information officer? Can librarian be called "Information Officer"?
    It is a good point to mention that librarians should preserve digital documents in the long-term. Digital preservation is an important topic in Digital Libraries, since lot of unforeseen incidents may happen in the future. How to preserve? Use what devices? How to deal with accidents? I do not know current digital preservation, I thought digital information is preserved on hard disks. But the expectancy of hard disks are short , only about three years.

    BORGMAN, chapter 2. IsItDigitalorIsitaLibrary.pdf
    Borgman puts close examination on the term" Digital Library". She analyzes the definition from the perspective of research and a library-practice. The explanations solve my suspicions that why we talks much about DL technology. Currently, computer power set the foundation of the development of digital libraries. We need technology to realize information services in digital form through Internet. However, I am a little worried that more and more digital libraries are build up now, dose that mean the society need less librarians? What dose the library look like in the future? A library without librarians? Since the number of old readers are decreasing and the number of internet-readers are dramatically increasing, less users will visit physical libraries. I am worried about the future of this career.

    the muddiest point in PPT week 1

    well, I do not have muddiest point this week. the content of PPT contains many fundamental definitions, it is more important to understand them.

    this blog is for Digital Libraries

    Hello, everyone.

    Nice to meet you. This is my first term in MLIS. I am happy to meet you all in this class.
    Hoping we have a wonderful term. And I will learn from you. Since English is not my first language, I sincerely hope that you can help me to improve my study and I wil try my best to make you understand my words.

    See you then!