Friday, September 18, 2009

muddist point in week 2

1, what is the difference between data and medadata?

2, As a librarian, do we have to design the DL system? I just tried Dspace's Jumpbox, the interface is friendly and easy to use. What do librarians do in DL system?

3,I do not know the answers about the question on PPT. " why are semantic names so disruptive to the handle system? Are there any rules to name a handle?

4, In the class, we talked about P2P. What roles dose P2P play in digital library architecture? What advantages dose P2P bring to digital libraries? I am a little confused. P2P is a technology that does not need server, when we build a digital library repository, server is important for clients to retrieval and obtain information.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yuqi,
    I think, unless you're a systems librarian, you don't have to design a DL system.
